11 Questions To Ask A Cancer Man

by Anna Kovach, relationship astrologer
So, you’ve got a crush on a Cancer man! Here are my top 11 questions to ask a Cancer man to sit up and take notice of you...

Hello, my lovely ladies! When getting to know a Cancer man it is pretty clear how unique he is as a person. You might be wondering what questions to ask a Cancer man because you want to get closer to him and understand who he is…

I often get emails from women asking me what questions to ask a Cancer man to get to know him better, so I’ve compiled a list of 11 questions just for you to help you get really close to him.

Are you looking to get closer to your Cancer man? Then you have definitely come to the right place. Keep on reading to find out the most amazing questions to ask your Cancer man.

What Do Cancer Men Like To Talk About?

A Cancer man is one of the sweetest and most emotionally sensitive signs of the zodiac, so it’s important to approach conversations with sensitivity and empathy. He is one of those people who takes his conversations to heart.

Cancer typically like to talk about family or their close relationships as they want to convey how important these bonds are. He will share stories about his parents or siblings or discuss concerns about someone close to him.

A Cancer man is also quite open to discussing his personal feelings and experiences. He wants to have a heart-to-heart as often as he can, as he likes to allow the expression of his emotions.

He might also enjoy talking about his hobbies and interests, as Cancer men tend to be quite passionate about the things they love. They usually are quite into home-related topics such as cooking or home improvement. Cancer men are usually quite handy around the house which is a massive bonus!

5 Flirty Questions To Ask A Cancer Man To Make Him Attracted To You

Here are 5 fun and flirty questions to ask a Cancer man to make him putty in your hands:

“What would you say is your most irresistible quality that I should be warned about?”

When you ask a question like this to a Cancer man, it shows that you are interested in getting to know him better, but you are asking him this in a manner that makes you stand out.

It is not one of those run-of-the-mill “so what do you like?” kind of questions that can be a little boring. You are giving him the opportunity to sell himself to you, while also showing your playful and flirty side.

Cancer men are often known for their sensitivity, empathy, and nurturing nature, so asking this question can provide insight into what they value most about themselves and how they may approach relationships.

It can also lead to a meaningful conversation about his strengths and what makes him unique. Just be prepared for an honest and thoughtful answer!

“I’ve heard that Cancer men are incredible huggers. Care to prove that theory?”

Asking a Cancer man this question not only flatters him by highlighting a positive aspect of his personality but also creates an opportunity for physical contact, which is never bad if you want to get closer to a Cancer man.

Flirting with a Cancer man is all about creating a comfortable and intimate connection. It’s subtly suggestive and invites a Cancer man to show his caring and affectionate side.

This can be a really fun way to make a connection with him and potentially bring you closer to him with this lighthearted interaction. This can really be something that he finds adorable and endearing, and it may spark his interest in getting closer to you.

“Is there a romantic movie scene you wish you could recreate? Maybe we could try it together.”

I love this question for getting closer to a Cancer man. These guys are typically quite sentimental and romantic at heart, so anything that gets him to lean into this side of his personality is a great idea.

This question allows for a flirty and romantic conversation to blossom. Cancer men are often thought to be in tune with their emotions and appreciate romantic gestures, this question challenges him to share his fantasies and invites him to imagine a romantic scenario with you.

It also shows that you are open to exploring new experiences and creating meaningful connections with him. It opens up the possibility for you two to connect over shared sentiments about love and romance, and it might just inspire a special date or moment together.

“I’m curious about your dream date. Can you describe it, and should I take notes for us?”

Asking a Cancer man about his dream date shows that you are genuinely interested in getting to know him and what he values in romantic experiences. It also allows him to envision a future with you and potentially sparks his interest in planning a special date together.

Cancer men are known for their sentimental and nurturing nature, so they may have specific ideas in mind for a dream date. It shows that you are interested in what he finds enjoyable and romantic, suggesting a willingness to make those dreams a reality.

This question also allows for a playful and flirty dynamic, as you suggest taking notes for the two of you. You are also showing him that you are interested in him by implying you want to be part of his dream date.

This could definitely lead to this date happening between the two of you.

“What’s the most heartwarming compliment you’ve received? I ask because I was just about to add to your collection.”

This question definitely works every time, trust me! When you say this to a Cancer man, you will make him blush and get him smitten at the thought of you.

Yes, it is a little bold, but sometimes cancer men appreciate it when someone takes the initiative to express their feelings for them. These guys can be a little shy and scared to make the first move, so by asking about the most heartwarming compliment he’s received, you are opening up a space for him to share his feelings and vulnerabilities.

You can then add your own compliment to make him feel amazing about himself. This flirty works every time!

3 Deep Questions To Ask A Cancer Man To Build A Stronger Connection

To build a stronger connection with a Cancer man and engage in a deeper conversation, consider these deep questions that can tap into his values and feelings:

“What Are Your Dreams and Desires?”

Believe it or not, when you ask this question, he will feel incredibly cared about. The fact that you would want to know this information shows how much you really do feel for him.

He will be more than happy to answer this question for you and probably rather honestly. This can actually help the two of you get closer because you will be able to share what yours are at the same time.

Perhaps you both have similar dreams or goals in mind. Even if you don’t, it makes him feel really good to know that you find it important to know more about him.

This is just one way to really get to know him. It flatters him, and it helps you to perhaps mingle your souls together. To be a Cancer man’s soulmate, you’ve got to be on the same page. This is a great way to do exactly that.

“Can I Make You Dinner?’

This should be pretty obvious, right?! Cancer men love food, and they certainly fall in love faster with a woman who can cook. Offer to whip him up a sensational dish.

Even you asking if you can do this for him will put him on cloud 9. Thinking about going to spend an evening with you at your place or you cooking at his will get him going! 

Find out what he likes and try to cater to his desires in that way. A Cancer man is very impressed with a woman who can make wonderful home-cooked meals. This is his ideal lady.

If you aren’t sure what he prefers, then ask him what his favorite dish or style of cuisine is. He will give you some ideas. Of course, if you go all out by setting up candles, you’ll get extra points.

You asking this will make his knees weak for sure. Cancer men appreciate food very much. In fact, some of them overindulge and can become overweight if they aren’t careful, so make sure to work healthy dishes into your menu!

“Can I Tell You A Secret?”

Every Cancer man loves a juicy tale. When it comes to getting to know you, of course he’s going to want to know something that you don’t share with everyone. It makes him feel special!

The Cancer guy will absolutely be watering at the mouth for you to tell him this tidbit about yourself. It’s something that helps him open up and tell you things about himself as well.

He will feel comfortable enough to tell you something as equally interesting. When you’re on the same level, communication flows much better. You can tell him anything without asking this question, of course, but it’s more fun when he feels like he’s being let in on a secret!

It makes more of an impact because it means you care whether or not he wants to know. Trust me, it makes his ego soar.

When you win him over like that, it’s so much easier for him to fall in love with you. Give it a shot and watch how he responds. He will definitely lean in and listen intently. 

You are now loaded with some questions that will get your Cancer guy’s attention and should help him fall for you. They are questions that approach his heart with an offer of devotion.

If you are brave enough to start taking these steps and asking questions like this, then you will win your Cancer man forever!

3 More Questions To Ask A Cancer Man About Love

Here are three more questions to ask a Cancer man that can help you understand his perspective on love and relationships:

“Are You All Right? Can I do Anything For You?”

When you notice he’s not acting normal, is sad, is mad, is tense… ask him if he’s okay. Even though he may not want to talk about it, the fact that you asked will make him feel really good about you.

If he knows that you’re there for him and that you care when he’s not acting normal, he will feel more secure in his trust for you. It’s a necessity in the Cancer man’s world.

He cannot be with someone who doesn’t check in with him or tiptoes around him when he’s upset. Communication is very important, and he may not always want to discuss his feelings, but he will at least take comfort in knowing he can.

If you don’t ask, he’ll think you don’t care and will start feeling resentful. 

Sometimes he may snap at you in response. He doesn’t mean to, though, he needs you to ask, so be sure when you can tell his mood is off that you are checking in with him. Your Cancer man will appreciate it in the long run. 

“What does trust mean to you in a relationship, and how do you work to build it?”

Trust is fundamental in any relationship, and understanding his views on trust can help you gauge what he expects from a partner and how he envisions a strong, secure partnership.

There is nothing more important in a relationship with a Cancer man than feeling secure, validated, and reassured. He needs this, and that is why trust is so important to this man.

This is the best way to delve into his expectations and understanding of a healthy partnership. For a Cancer man, who often values reliability and consistency, trust is likely a cornerstone of any relationship he commits to.

This question asks him to talk about trust, like honesty, dependability, and mutual respect. It also opens up the conversation about how he actively works to build that trust, whether through talking, actions, or time.

Understanding his approach to trust can show how he maintains and nurtures relationships, which is important for both of you to understand what he needs from you.

“Can I Get Your Advice on This?”

No matter what the subject is, ask for his advice. This makes him feel that you value his opinion and what he can offer to your situation. This is a beautiful way of getting closer to him. It shows that you trust his judgment and value his insights, allowing him to feel appreciated and included in your decision-making process.

Believe it or not, he’s the “go-to” guy typically anyway. What I mean by that is he is someone who draws in people who need his assistance. Everyone knows he’s a fantastic listener and tends to offer up some really helpful information.

Asking for his help will make him feel special and important to you. This is a fantastic move to make! 

If you don’t have any problems, you can always think of something anyway. Watch how he lights up in response to you asking for his advice. He’ll love it, and it’s definitely one way to the Cancer man’s heart. 

What NOT To Ask A Cancer Man

A Cancer man is usually quite sensitive, so it’s important to be mindful of the questions you ask. He can sometimes take the things you say quite personally so it is important that you are careful with your words.

Avoid asking your Cancer man questions that are overly critical or this could be seen as an attack on his character or his actions. He will take this to heart, so it can be quite tough on him.

A Cancer man is a rather guarded and protective person, and he is one of those people who takes his time to get to know someone. SO it is best that you don’t ask too many prying questions as it might make your Cancer man feel uncomfortable, especially early on in the relationship. He doesn’t want to move too quickly and he needs to take his time.

It’s important to approach sensitive topics with empathy and respect for his boundaries. If you know he is uncomfortable discussing certain issues or past experiences, it is best not to press him on these topics.

He also has a preference to talk about things that are deep, so too many shallow or superficial questions can also be a lot for him. So avoid being too surface level as he might think you have no depth.

Read next: What To Wear To Attract A Cancer Man? 7 Interesting Tips

Stop Worrying About Your Cancer Man…

Over the years, I’ve had a lot of my clients send me advice they got from dating coaches. They wanted to know if it would work with their Cancer man.

And I literally wanted to scream with frustration.


Because most dating advice definitely will NOT work if you use it with a Cancer man.

You see, Cancer men are VERY different than men of other signs. And if you use standard dating advice with a Cancer man, it can backfire. He might disappear forever and you’ll never hear from him again.

I don’t want that to happen to you.

Especially when it is SO easy to draw him to you and get him to connect deeply with your heart.

You just need to know the specific phrases to tell him <<

So he’ll NEVER want to lose you. He’ll be wrapped around your finger… And it won’t take him long to put a ring on that finger either.

These phrases are the EXACT thing you need to turn everything around with him.

So… for heaven’s sake… DON’T listen to normal dating coaches! They give out the same advice for ALL men… which is absolutely insane.

Because your wonderful Cancer is NOT like other men… at ALL.

So go here now to find out the specific things your Cancer man needs to hear to melt his heart.

Wishing you so much love and happiness.

Your friend and Relationship Astrologer,

Anna Kovach

About Author

Hi, this is Anna Kovach. I am a professional Relationship Astrologer and author of dozens of bestselling books and programs. For over a decade I’ve been advising commitment-seeking women like you and helping them understand, attract and keep the man of their dreams using the astonishing power of astrology. Join over 250K subscribers on my newsletter or follow me on social media! Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

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