Cancer Man Horoscope for January 2025

by Anna Kovach, relationship astrologer
Are you wondering how January is going to treat your Cancer man? Check out the January horoscope predictions for a Cancer man...

Happy New Year sweetheart, and a warm hello to a Cancer man horoscope for January. It is time to welcome in 2025 and gaze into the heavens and contemplate what the planets have in store for us.

Now as you would know if you purchased my yearly guide for your Cancer man, which I highly recommend, is that 2025 as an exceptional year because every one of the planets is changing side, in some cases multiple times.

Now it’s not all that unusual for the planets from the Sun to Mars to change sign, but it is very unusual that Pluto, Neptune, Uranus and Saturn are all changing sign this year.

Pluto of course is now in Aquarius after having just arrived in Aquarius where it will be for another 16 years. Neptune and Saturn will be entering Aries, Uranus is entering Gemini and Jupiter which is now in Gemini will be going into Cancer, so 2025 is going to be a year when the planetary energies are displaying totally different side of their character.

This indicates opportunities for a shake-up and it’s an ideal phase for us all to shift gear, adopt new attitudes, create opportunity in our relationships through better communication, goal setting and understanding the dynamics.

I am here to help you with the deeper understanding, so let’s have a look and see what January has got in store because it’s off to a feisty and rather intense start.

Here’s what the stars have in store for a Cancer Man this January…

New Moon in Capricorn – 1st of January

This is a fortuitous New Moon for a Cancer man, particularly because it represents a significant change in terms of his long-term relationships and an opportunity for renewal, greater understanding, and turning the page.

However, because the new moon is sextile Saturn, it doesn’t represent a radical new direction. Instead, it signifies a more gentle change, a gradual realization of things that need working on, and a constructive approach.

So, it’s a good time to use forgiveness, take into account your personal growth needs, and make relevant changes in relationships. These efforts can go a long way in making the relationship more sustainable and robust.

Relationships that don’t encourage change become brittle and can easily crack and shatter, but relationships that always take into account changing circumstances and adapt well thrive.

Venus enters Pisces – 4th of January

This is a positive movement of Venus because Venus is very much at home in Pisces, and it is exalted there. This represents a great time for friends with benefits, long-distance relationships, and also relationships where there is a lot of space—for example, you’re not living together, or you’re separated by circumstances or geography.

In these cases, the connection is more difficult but also quite exciting because there’s so much to overcome, and it makes the relationship that much more poignant.

This is also a great time for family life and can be an opportune time for religious celebrations connected to family events. It may also be a good time to plan a wedding.

There’s also a great opportunity to improve relationships with both of your parents, so work on the ‘in-law factor’. This might mean being more tolerant, trying to accommodate their needs, or simply putting yourself out a little bit more to smooth things over.

Mars Retrograde enters Cancer – 7th of January

As you may remember, Mars went retrograde in Leo at Christmas, and it is now re-entering Cancer retrograde. This does pose challenges for Cancer Man, as the Mars in Cancer energy tends to be quite touchy, sensitive, and a little bit neurotic.

So, it can exacerbate any sense of injustice, hurt, or pain in the relationship. There is a need to go back over old ground to sort out the rights and wrongs and to make your apologies. In fact, olive branches and apologies are very important right now.

But before you can make those, you may have to figure out where mistakes were made, why you both perhaps reacted in ways that were a little bit subjective and inappropriate, and also make allowances for emotional stress.

Things tend to happen particularly over the Christmas period because it is a time of heightened stress and great expectations, and with great expectation often comes a lot of frustration. So, make this a chance to make amends.

Perhaps not a great time for strenuous physical activity or exercising in a way he’s not used to. He needs to pay attention to his body’s needs, warm up, and take extra fluids to reduce inflammation.

North Node enters Pisces – 12th of January

Now, this indicates the beginning of a remarkable phase that will last almost a year. During this phase, it’s very important to do some broad thinking, seek new pastures and allow yourself space in the relationship.

It’s a time to awaken that adventurous spirit which a Cancer man has. So, to the extent that you are very encouraging of his goals and are both constantly pushing the boundaries, all the better.

This is also a time when you need to see the big picture. It helps in terms of business, but it is also very important for your relationship growth. Don’t be insular, don’t be constantly looking down into the details.

Step away from yourselves and see how all the pieces fit together. Often, things happen that are unplanned, but they encourage us to understand the potential rather than getting locked into narrow plans that may not be best for us.

Mercury enters Capricorn – 9th of January

Now, this is a very cool placement that encourages communication and is great for any relationship discussions that need to take place. So, what you need to do is get organized as a couple, make sure you have a chance to have a bit of a relationship ‘board’ meeting, and keep it short and sweet.

This is not necessarily a great time for conversations that are incredibly murky or like quicksand, where you just kind of get bogged down in the past and complications. It’s a time to deal with first things first.

Grab onto the low-hanging fruit, get that organized, and get a sense of momentum going. As the thing goes on, you’ll have more of a chance to discuss the trickier, more contentious issues with a lot of confidence behind you, now that things have been achieved.

This is also great for long-distance relationships happening on apps because he’s much more willing to chat. He’s very forthcoming, and he enjoys hearing your stories and anecdotes. So, keep it interesting.

Sun enters Aquarius – 20th of January

This particular phase represents a more intense time. It’s getting into the business end of the year, a time for serious discussions, a time to examine potential hurdles and challenges, and to develop a stoic response to any external threats to the relationship.

It’s also time for a little bit of seriousness. During this phase, don’t joke around; don’t be flippant. The time for joking is over. When you say something, make it meaningful and understand when he wants to discuss difficult issues, pay attention!

This is a time to focus strongly on relationship goals so that you both trust each other and show commitment to the relationship. It’s also going to be quite a sexy time and if things in the relationship are going well, and there’s a lot of understanding and a deep sense of connection, sex is absolutely awesome.

New Moon in Aquarius – 29th of January

This represents a great time for an emotional reboot, this time on a deeper, psychological level. There’s a chance now for better understanding and for working through some deep-seated issues.

If there’s anything regarding a past relationship that either you need to put to bed, now is the time. It may also be a good time for purging and cutting ties.

This can be about getting rid of toxicity in your diet but also in terms of people. It cuts both ways: both of you have to be willing to cut something out of your life for the sake of the relationship, and if you aren’t willing to let go of these things, the relationship could be in question.

Themes for a Cancer Man this January 2025…

The big theme right now is better and stronger relationships. There’s an emphasis on forgiveness, improved communication, and ticking things off your list after good discussions as a team.

There is an open-minded, systematic, and patient response needed to move your relationship into an exciting and brave new direction. As the month goes on, discussions can get more intense and deep, and then you’ll enter a phase where you can tackle some more tricky issues. Always remember, use this as a phase to cleanse, purge, and clear up any misunderstandings lingering from last year.

Magic Motto: “We are couple with confidence, we power through our problems and cooperation always makes us stronger.”

Magic Text: “I love the way you make me wanna win, our relationship is the biggest win of my life.”


Now, the moon waxes from the 31st of December until the 13th of January, meaning this is the waxing phase of the moon, which is ideal for making decisions, coming up with plans, creating new strategies, beginning a new relationship, and initiating in general.

However, some areas are not conducive to success—these include getting married or engaged or making major relationship decisions.  This is a good time for marriage counseling, discussions, and planning within your relationship, as well as negotiating with a Cancer man, your partner. 


The waxing phase is not a good time for him to take on a brand-new job or role at work. It’s also not a favorable time for him to join a gym or undertake a new diet plan. Making decisions on health issues, how to lose weight, or improving fitness are not particularly favored right now.

Additionally, this is not a suitable time for him to take on new staff, for you guys to recruit staff or even to buy a new pet. He has to manage his image carefully and should avoid taking on any positions of power at this moment.

January 2025 Horoscope for a Cancer Man…

Week 1: Tell me lies tell me sweet little lies

With Mars retrograde in Leo opposite Pluto in Aquarius, this is a potentially tense and touchy week. You have to be very aware of each other’s boundaries, and patience and perceptiveness are key.

The better you understand this, the more you’re going to be able to navigate this week by being thoughtful, thinking before you speak, and often being diplomatic. Not to encourage it, but sometimes a little bit of a white lie is necessary here and there to diffuse tension, but don’t make it a big white lie.

For those of you who don’t know each other well, you may end up putting your foot in it. But don’t panic if things go wrong; just give each other some space for the dust to settle down and treat it as a learning curve.

Week 2: Seize the calm, breathe!

This week Sun in Capricorn is trine Uranus in Taurus, and Mars trine Neptune in Pisces. It’s an awesome time for you guys to get out and about as a couple. It’s probably not a time of year when many of you will be holidaying, but if you can manage a road trip or a short break, that’s ideal.

However, even if you can’t holiday, it’s still a great time to meet up with friends for a quiet evening, a nice meal, a chat, and letting your hair down. Perspective is key right now. After the intensity of last week, it’s easy for perspective to be lost.

You need to do whatever you can to enable you space to breathe a sigh of relief, reflect in a calm way, and get into a space where egos dissolve and you are willing to reach out to each other in terms of positive communication.

Week 3: And I still haven’t found what I’m looking for

The main feature this week is Venus conjunct Saturn in Pisces, and this often indicates that he is concerned with affairs in the outside world. He may tend to immerse himself in issues in his friendship groups, the community, or in terms of his country. He often feels quite patriotic and is turned on by, for example, sports teams and attending events that are quite traditional or cultural. Or he may simply take more of an interest in improving the local environment and community.

What he tends to get a buzz from right now is doing activities that are bigger than himself and his problems. He quite likes being the Good Samaritan and helping other people with their issues as well.

Sometimes this can take him away from the relationship. You may feel he’s running on tangents or being a little bit indiscreet with the way he spends his time.

However, sometimes there’s something inside of him, and the only way he can really express it is by running on a few tangents and doing things that are a little bit random, just to find what he’s looking for.

Week 4: Habits to Break

Week 4 is all about habits: ending bad habits and starting new, positive ones. So, this could be quite a good time for any physical activity. It’s now a phase where he has to be less concerned about strenuous physical activity, and it may be time to take more walks, get more fresh air, and start building up a head of energy so that you’re in the right frame of mind for the rest of the year.

This is also a great time for you guys to discuss financial issues and start coming up with some budgets and plans for the year ahead. Remember, money is very important to a Cancer man. When he is organized with his finances, his mind tends to clear, and then he’s more able to deal with emotional matters in a rational way.

This can be quite a lucky time for him, so anything he does that represents a new venture can take off quickly. It also means that if you guys have been dating, things can now really start to progress as you become much closer.


This month is a very productive month, but the results are slow to come in. It’s as the month ends that the momentum really gets going, there’s a head of steam, a feeling of positivity and that progress is being made.

It’s positive time for long distance and app relationships particularly, because he’s eager to communicate and engage in banter and that’s a sign the relationship is flowing.

In terms of settled relationships, there’s a chance for some intimacy, but in general it’s all about some balancing acts and new perspectives, and also a focus on any relationship hurdles, particularly emotional ones, and clearing these up so you both feel resolved.

Get ready for a deeper connection with your Cancer man throughout 2025…

Ever experienced that unmistakable gut feeling?

You know, that gentle nudge from your intuition, a subtle whisper of insights into your love life.

It’s your inner compass trying to communicate in a language only you can comprehend. And now, with the unveiling of Cancer Man Secrets 2025your intuition is about to get a megaphone.

This guide isn’t just a manual…

It’s your personal translator for the cosmic messages your intuition sends your way.

Imagine having a direct conversation with the stars about your Cancer man and your love life, and receiving clear, actionable insights in return…

Curious about what makes Cancer Man Secrets 2025 extraordinary?

Unlike traditional astrology, which dives into birth charts and generalities, this guide is your GPS for navigating specific questions:

“Is your Cancer man ready for a deeper commitment in 2025?”

“Does he have plans that align with your shared future?”

“What does the cosmic forecast hold for your relationship?”

It’s like having a hotline to the Universe for decoding the mysteries of your Cancer man’s heart, month by month.

Ready to bridge the gap between your intuition and the cosmic roadmap for your love life? Request your guide today, and unlock the profound insights that 2025 holds for you and your Cancer man.

Don’t wait for the Universe to drop hints…

Go here for an instant revelation to any burning question about your Cancer man.

Wishing you cosmic love and radiant connections with your Cancer man…

Your sister and relationship astrologer,

Anna Kovach

About Author

Hi, this is Anna Kovach. I am a professional Relationship Astrologer and author of dozens of bestselling books and programs. For over a decade I’ve been advising commitment-seeking women like you and helping them understand, attract and keep the man of their dreams using the astonishing power of astrology. Join over 250K subscribers on my newsletter or follow me on social media! Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

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