Cancer Man Horoscope for August 2024

by Anna Kovach, relationship astrologer
Are you wondering how August is going to treat your Cancer man? Check out the August horoscope predictions for a Cancer man...

Hello Sweethearts, and welcome to the horoscope reading for your Cancer man for August. Now for many people around the world, this is the holiday season and a time we associate with fun, being laid back, and enjoying ourselves.

But this particular August—and it’s not a big “but” because there’s plenty of positive energy—Mercury is retrograde in Virgo. That means there is a note of caution when it comes to planning and communications because, during this phase, there can be difficulties in travel, wires tend to get crossed, and there can be periods of stalemate and frustration.

Now, the other big feature of this month is Mars will be conjunct Jupiter on the 15th, which brings a vibrant, exciting energy and a particularly adventurous, playful spirit.

This is perfect for the August holidays or, even if you’re in the Southern Hemisphere and you aren’t on holiday, a great time to be motivated, proactive, and particularly to be outdoors.

So for you and your Cancer man, it’s a time to think about how to boost your energy through positive activities, particularly those involving being physically active and finding adrenaline-pumping activities to do that are a little bit adventurous. 

Even though Mercury is retrograde and you have to look before you leap and do a little bit of planning, if you have the presence of mind, there’s still definitely a flavor of adventure and excitement and also romance because the month ends with Venus opposite Neptune and then Venus entering Libra, the planet of love.

So the month goes out on a particularly romantic note, which is quite something to look forward to.

Here’s what the stars have in store for a Cancer Man this August…

New Moon in Leo on the 4th of August

This New Moon is a cue to deepen relationships. It’s not all about words; it’s about showing affection and tenderness. Cancer is a guy who needs quite a lot of physical reassurance. He needs to feel your closeness; he wants to understand that you have compassion for him. So you must show him your caring and nurturing traits.

Now, this is not as good a time for brand-new relationships because, unless you’ve been friends for a long time, he’s unlikely right now to want to jump into a brand-new relationship with someone totally new.

However, if you have already been friends with benefits and you’re on his radar as a good friend, that could now morph into a more caring style of emotional relationship, but it’s a question mark over whether it will become a full-blown sexual relationship.

In marriage, it’s all about trust and commitment. He can easily become jealous and triggered, so make sure that you are a stable partner who acts in a consistent way and keeps up with your relationship rituals as that’s really important right now.

Mercury goes retrograde in Virgo on the 5th of August

This particular retrograde can mean that any travel plans are somewhat disrupted or don’t go as anticipated. So the key phrase for this retrograde is “always have a plan B.” I know this is not too hard because, as a rule, a Cancer man likes to think ahead, but it’s always important to check and double-check.

It’s not the best time for signing any contracts, whether it’s a prenup or signing for a mortgage. It’s a time to check and make sure you understand fully what you’re getting into. 

This may be a difficult time for online relationships; the Mercury retrograde can cause all sorts of misconceptions, and generally, it’s far better to communicate face-to-face.

So the key advice now is, if you have anything important to discuss, do it face-to-face, don’t do it over text or Skype, meet face-to-face, and then you’ll have a better result.

Venus enters Virgo on the 6th of August

Now, this particular transit emphasizes the importance of love letters and words. Cancer is a man who tends to be stimulated by sentimentality, and therefore exchanging poems, songs, and books of a romantic nature can be a great way to show care and feeling.

Some gifting can also be important, and treating each other to special date nights or days out is also helpful. Thoughtfulness absolutely matters, so if you put a little bit of extra planning into the creative and imaginative side of dates, that’s awesome. 

Now, it’s a good time to just rejuvenate your romantic life by being kind and diplomatic. It’s certainly not a time for harsh words, attempting to debate, or entering into contentious issues that cause arguments. It’s all about building strength through focusing on core areas of understanding before you venture into trickier areas.

Mars conjunct Jupiter in Gemini on the 15th of August

Now, this can represent a stroke of luck for a Cancer man. He may get a sudden opportunity in his career; alternatively, there may be an opportunity for him to promote himself or get more publicity. So it’s vital for you to support him in terms of any work, functions, or engagements that he has.

Sometimes what you need to do with a Cancer man right now is work hard at the practical elements of your life, and that could include work-life balance and just generally being more organized. So help him lay the foundations for a better relationship by making sure the little things run well.

You know they say, “Look after the pennies, and the pounds will look after themselves.” Well, sometimes in relationships right now, if you take care of the details, the bigger issues are going to be less of a stumbling block.

Mercury re-enters Leo on the 16th of the August

Now, this particular transit means you may have to review recent financial decisions or simply assess your level of financial organization. Sometimes money and surprises to do with money crop up as Mercury squares Uranus as it goes into Leo. 

It’s very important for you guys to be a bit private about your finances. Don’t lend to friends and don’t get involved in what friends are doing. It’s vital that you follow your own advice or instincts, with perhaps professional advice to get it right.

It’s also important at the moment to be cautious of friends interfering, both financially and emotionally, in your relationship. This is a time when you need to run a tight ship, be private as a couple, and deal with your problems in-house.

Themes for a Cancer Man this August 2024

Now, what is important this month is trust, cooperation, and also dealing with the practicalities of your life. You really need to keep your eye on the ball when it comes to work-life balance, money matters, and helping him to ensure that he takes advantage of any good career opportunities.

It’s also a time when you need to look after each other, nurture each other, and focus on the relationship. So the relationship should be front and center, and you should always be mindful of the impact each other’s words and actions have on each other.

Be diplomatic and be kind, and steer away from debating contentious issues, particularly if they’re not very important.

Magic Motto – “Being realistic never means we forget the divine spark of destiny that binds our fate.”

Magic Text – “Your success is mine, your happiness is mine and that’s because this relationship destiny is ours.”


The moon waxes from the 4th to the 19th of August and this represents his best opportunity to have success with new projects, initiatives, beginning new relationships, or relationship reboots, so if there’s anything you guys want to jump on board with, this is the time.

This is generally a good time for money, income streams, and cash flow should improve. It may also be a good time for him to make a purchase for his business. Financially things are looking good and generally, there are positive opportunities to invest, as long as he is cautious, as mentioned above.

This is also a positive time for wellness, it’s a great time to be starting a new diet or fitness regime. If he’s training for anything, he should be successful in reaching his targets and improving his stamina. This is a great time for competitive ventures as well and so he could be quite successful in any sporting arena.

This waxing phase is a good time for a brand new start in any particular venture. This new moon period can be a good time to get married or engaged so if you have your nuptials all sorted, then congratulations.

It’s also a great time for new relationship milestones, and for reconsidering your future, and marriage counseling can also be successful if that’s an avenue you want to try.


This is not the best time to start a brand new business in the service sector, including medicine, alternate health, or working with animals. This also isn’t a great time for you guys to get a pet.

He should be cautious in the work situation. This is not a good time to recruit and he must be very cautious in communicating with colleagues and employees, he should avoid any problems with the union if he is an employer.

August 2024 Horoscope for a Cancer Man

Week 1: What are your priorities? 

Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus indicates a period when there needs to be some consolidation and also setting of priorities in terms of your relationship. There can be many factors—both social, friendship circle, and work—that are competing with your relationship, and sometimes it’s important to get back to basics and to focus on what’s most important.

Couples who don’t know how to prioritize each other and who are prone to distractions and running on tangents will do less well in love. So give each other your attention, and understand that if the relationship is a priority, treat it as a priority.

Week 2: Words get in the way 

With the Sun in Leo sextile Jupiter in Gemini and Mercury conjunct Venus in Virgo, what’s important in terms of improving your relationship with a Cancer man, particularly if it’s a new relationship, is better communication with an emphasis on humor and being philosophical.

Sometimes with relationships, it’s easy to get tied up in knots trying to understand the emotional things, but to the extent that you can just take a step back and say, “Let’s relax, chill, enjoy the moment, and let’s try and understand things intuitively,” you will do well.

Now, Cancer is a sign that navigates intuitively, and he will certainly appreciate that you understand that sometimes there are things that cannot be put into words, and that often it’s better to communicate by being silent or communicating through music or exchanging memes and pictures and just being more creative rather than letting words get in the way.

Week 3: Spiritual Love Revolution 

This week there is a major square: Jupiter in Gemini will be square Saturn in Pisces. Now, for a Cancer man, this puts the emphasis on the spiritual side of the relationship. So, do you guys feel that you are soulmates? Is there a real connection at a deep level that makes your lives both meaningful?

With a Cancer man, if you’re in a relationship where things are fairly superficial, just ticking boxes, or maybe there’s a little bit of intimacy, the question now is, do you guys feel that there is a true purpose and destiny connected to your relationship? Because if there isn’t, this is a time when a Cancer man can perhaps lose interest.

However, the positive is, even in very difficult relationships or if you’re on a break, if you guys understand that this relationship is meant to be and you have that spiritual connection, it can survive whatever.

Week 4: Love Tempest 

Venus in Virgo is opposite Neptune and then Venus goes into Libra this week. So what does that mean for Cancer Man? Well, he can be a little bit sensitive and touchy. So while romance is definitely on the cards, it can also be a time when things can easily become a little bit tempestuous in love.

So it’s important for you to be charming and to convince him of the way you are devoted to him because he really needs to understand how deep your love is. Now, this can be a time when he is a little bit vulnerable to paranoia in the relationship.

So fulfill promises and take any of his latest quirks or needs seriously. It’s certainly a time when you don’t want to let him down in any way because he might just make too much of it.


This is a really good month for greater emotional depth and understanding the spiritual context of your relationship. It isn’t a time to be superficial and just seek enjoyment for enjoyment’s sake. Relationships require a somewhat serious amount of focus and diligence.

The whole idea with relationships with a Cancer man right now is to handle them with care. Treat them in a delicate way. Nurture relationships and show him how much the relationship means to you. Don’t be flippant and definitely, if you give him your word on anything, take it seriously.

This is far better a month for developing relationships rather than for brand-new relationships because these can be full of more pitfalls simply because you don’t know him that well.

Make your Cancer man OBSESSED…

Have you ever fantasized about being that irresistible woman in Netflix shows…

The one the leading man just CAN’T stop thinking about?

The sexy, affectionate protagonist would do anything for this woman…

He will go to extremes to get her attention and make her happy.

Now, let’s say the star of this show is your Cancer man…

And you are the filler character who is secretly in love with this gorgeous man…

But is unable to get his attention.

Why is that?

Because you don’t have that “wow factor” that the irresistible girl he’s in love with has.

Well, it’s time to change the narrative.

I’ve created a list of actions, or as I prefer to call them…


This will instantly make him chase youlove you, and OBSESS over you.

He will experience intense feelings he has never felt for anyone else.

Feelings he can’t ignore or suppress because you will connect to his heart in ways he instinctively responds to…

Precisely how you’ve always hoped he would.

Let’s get back to thinking about those captivating women on Netflix shows…

They seem to put men “under a spell.”

Well, that’s exactly the kind of enchantment I’m talking about.

And no, you won’t need a wand for this magic.

The Challenge will become your guide to getting to the heart and soul of your Cancer man…

And will take you to the heart of what makes him tick.

You’ll learn how to become the woman he finds UNFORGETTABLE.

The one who “got away”…

You’ll reignite his passion and capture his heart in ways he never imagined possible.

So much so that within just 30 days, you may completely transform your relationship…

Emotionallyphysically, and spiritually!

Click here to learn more about The 30-Day Love Challenge with your Cancer man.

I promise you’ll love it.

Sending you much love,

Your sister and relationship astrologer,

Anna Kovach

About Author

Hi, this is Anna Kovach. I am a professional Relationship Astrologer and author of dozens of bestselling books and programs. For over a decade I’ve been advising commitment-seeking women like you and helping them understand, attract and keep the man of their dreams using the astonishing power of astrology. Join over 250K subscribers on my newsletter or follow me on social media! Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

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